Source code for biothings_client.mixins.variant

from ..utils import str_types

class MyVariantClientMixin:
    '''Adding some utility methods specific to API.'''
    def get_hgvs_from_vcf(self, input_vcf):
            From the input VCF file (filename or file handle), return a generator
            of genomic based HGVS ids.
            :param input_vcf: input VCF file, can be a filename or a file handle
            :returns: a generator of genomic based HGVS ids. To get back a list instead,
                      using ``list(get_hgvs_from_vcf("your_vcf_file"))``
            .. NOTE:: This is a lightweight VCF parser to return valid genomic-based
                      HGVS ids from the *input_vcf* file. For more sophisticated VCF
                      parser, consider using `PyVCF <>`_

        if isinstance(input_vcf, str_types):
            # if input_vcf is a string, open it as a file
            in_f = open(input_vcf)
            # otherwise it should be a file handle already
            in_f = input_vcf
        for row in in_f:
            if row[0] == '#':
            row = row.strip()
            if row:
                row = row.split('\t')
                if row[0].lower().startswith('chr'):
                    row[0] = row[0][3:]
                for alt in row[4].split(','):
                    yield self.format_hgvs(row[0], row[1], row[3], alt)

    def _normalized_vcf(chrom, pos, ref, alt):
        """If both ref/alt are > 1 base, and there are overlapping from the left,
           we need to trim off the overlapping bases.
           In the case that ref/alt is like this:
               CTTTT/CT    # with >1 overlapping bases from the left
           ref/alt should be normalized as TTTT/T, more examples:
                TC/TG --> C/G
           and pos should be fixed as well.
        for i in range(max(len(ref), len(alt))):
            _ref = ref[i] if i < len(ref) else None
            _alt = alt[i] if i < len(alt) else None
            if _ref is None or _alt is None or _ref != _alt:

        # _ref/_alt cannot be both None, if so,
        # ref and alt are exactly the same,
        # something is wrong with this VCF record
        #assert not (_ref is None and _alt is None)
        if (_ref is None and _alt is None):
            raise ValueError('"ref" and "alt" cannot be the same: {}'.format(
                (chrom, pos, ref, alt)

        _pos = int(pos)
        if _ref is None or _alt is None:
            # if either is None, del or ins types
            _pos = _pos + i - 1
            _ref = ref[i-1:]
            _alt = alt[i-1:]
            # both _ref/_alt are not None
            _pos = _pos + i
            _ref = ref[i:]
            _alt = alt[i:]

        return (chrom, _pos, _ref, _alt)

    def format_hgvs(self, chrom, pos, ref, alt):
        '''get a valid hgvs name from VCF-style "chrom, pos, ref, alt" data.
            >>> utils.variant.format_hgvs("1", 35366, "C", "T")
            >>> utils.variant.format_hgvs("2", 17142, "G", "GA")
            >>> utils.variant.format_hgvs("MT", 8270, "CACCCCCTCT", "C")
            >>> utils.variant.format_hgvs("X", 107930849, "GGA", "C")
        chrom = str(chrom)
        if chrom.lower().startswith('chr'):
            # trim off leading "chr" if any
            chrom = chrom[3:]
        if len(ref) == len(alt) == 1:
            # this is a SNP
            hgvs = 'chr{0}:g.{1}{2}>{3}'.format(chrom, pos, ref, alt)
        elif len(ref) > 1 and len(alt) == 1:
            # this is a deletion:
            if ref[0] == alt:
                start = int(pos) + 1
                end = int(pos) + len(ref) - 1
                if start == end:
                    hgvs = 'chr{0}:g.{1}del'.format(chrom, start)
                    hgvs = 'chr{0}:g.{1}_{2}del'.format(chrom, start, end)
                end = int(pos) + len(ref) - 1
                hgvs = 'chr{0}:g.{1}_{2}delins{3}'.format(chrom, pos, end, alt)
        elif len(ref) == 1 and len(alt) > 1:
            # this is an insertion
            if alt[0] == ref:
                hgvs = 'chr{0}:g.{1}_{2}ins'.format(chrom, pos, int(pos) + 1)
                ins_seq = alt[1:]
                hgvs += ins_seq
                hgvs = 'chr{0}:g.{1}delins{2}'.format(chrom, pos, alt)
        elif len(ref) > 1 and len(alt) > 1:
            if ref[0] == alt[0]:
                # if ref and alt overlap from the left, trim them first
                _chrom, _pos, _ref, _alt = self._normalized_vcf(chrom, pos, ref, alt)
                return self.format_hgvs(_chrom, _pos, _ref, _alt)
                end = int(pos) + len(alt) - 1
                hgvs = 'chr{0}:g.{1}_{2}delins{3}'.format(chrom, pos, end, alt)
            raise ValueError("Cannot convert {} into HGVS id.".format((chrom, pos, ref, alt)))
        return hgvs